Regular Show: Maury Moto's Decision

Have you seen Regular Show? Well, those friends, are a blue jay and a brown raccoon, the legend of the year. Once again the episode was supposed to be on TV, but it rejected it for being the episode so horrible. Getting with videogames and pizza to do, it would crash the series, the series, like a game, will explode... literally.
It started when i was in my house trying to complete my stupid homework, so i've cancelled while i found a warning from my friends at my university, it was a note. A note so beautiful and warning that it broke my heart, but i cried a bit.
"Dear Macho, I've found this tape from the nowhere. Getting from the black hole i've invented, i would improve my handwriting so soon. But that videothingy, don't go to watch it. Because it's looking for you. He will find you.
Maury Moto is a real person who was included in only one episode of Regular Show, and it's about to get us and our families, that he will destroy the life of videogames.
Destroy the casette and forget what you have done for this, do your homework and life's gonna be saved.
I know, for your pleasure, that God is in our hearts, and you'll grab for the nearest cross,
But it's not gonna work with the legendary and killer... videogame creator.
Save your life and survive. Amen.
Gomez Handogaray"
The tape was called: "Maury Moto's Decision" then i've put it in the casette, so then the episode started with a warning.
"WARNING: This video is a real episode, I killed the directors so we will search you for the death. Signed, Maury Moto" 
Oh my god, it's the person who makes his appearance in "Gamers Never Say Die"? It can't be!
I watched the episode and in a split second i see the characters zalgoified with a knife stuck in his stomach, and i was like "OH MY GOD!"  So the title cards rolled with the double of loud vibrato sound (and this time i mean "VERY LOUD") with four octaves high, G-Major and four octaves low at the same time.
What the heck, that hideous title cards scared me a little bit. Okay, the episode started with some split seconds from the "Gamers Never Say Die" episode. 
Then it zoomed from the house, while Benson was killing Pops, And i've seen 1-frame red static parts. Rigby said 
"Well, i'm no use from anything."
 Mordecai replied: 
"No dude, in case of work, we need to work together!"
"We've still get to win anything!"
Rigby said:
"Oh yeah! Let's play that or get scummed!"
"Yeaauuuh!" said Mordecai.
 Mordecai and Rigby gasped while seeing a SEAA controller. Why the fuck they would rip-off Sega?
They found a strange game called "Notherless" Rigby said 
"Let's play it or let's get out of here."
 The SEAA logo was playing, but it was more scary than the Sonic.exe one, but this time, it was in E Minor and then it repeated but in E Major. Mordecai and Rigby are playing videogames and drinking soda like a pair of idiots in the classroom, then Mordecai said: 
"That is it, the final level."
 Then Rigby pressed any button in the controller but it didn't work. Both get the teamwork by pressing all the buttons to make a combo, but they will never win, beacuse the creators
I've soon seed a blue, quiet static with the episode on it, they got in a mall called "The Death Mall" They entered there, and met the Lich. A crossover? DIDN'T THEY MAKE A CROSSOVER? NO. The place looked so scary, with the static turning out to red. Mordecai said "This place looks so weird." Mordecai looked at the scary map that i jumpscared at it.
A scary title card says: "90 seconds later" It looked suprarealistic. Mordecai said "Tio" in something different from G-Major. F-Minor or E-Major and A-Minor at the same time? Well, a strange distorted picture and loud, wobbly, strange sound appeared. And the cassette cut to the caverns, with green static. Wow, static for everyone and static for me? How idiotic are the creators! But then, Split static comes returning from nowhere, The caverns dissapear, all for the static.
It cutted to the intro. What? Why wouldn't the directors get the point?
Well, it seems like it's done and good. But that thing... still scares me, because...
8-bit Maury Moto said with a distorted voice:
"It's now time to you to get the heart."
Static appeared after.
"The heart that you get in your spirit."
Static appeared after.
"No friend is gonna help you, and my work here is not done."
Static appeared after.
"Watch out, beacuse..."
Static appeared after, but more louder.
A screamer of real life Maury Moto with the red text "I'M COMING FROM YOU" maked me faint.
The episode ended, but with the credits saying Saerom.
My friend was right. Maury Moto is the criminal, jesus-killer, explaining everyone how bad it is, beacuse he likes hell, he sents you to hell, and he IS Hell. Thinking about a bad story becomes good, reality doesn't need to be cosplaying videogames. Nobody but him is the boss. Literally.
What games don't resolve is life in only just one brain.